Dear Dr. King,
I have some questions on first part of Course D.
1. In the Section of the general principals of treatment noticed that “the acupuncture time is also important. For instance, treatment of malaria is usually applied two to three hours before its attack, and dysmenorrhea is usually treated before the menstrual periods”. Are the Meridians maximal activity hours used too?
2. Among the examples of therapeutic methods of acupuncture and moxibustion there some points with not so clear for me indications:
• Qihai (RN6) for reinforcing spleen and stomach,
• Sanyinjiao (Sp 6) for replenishing qi and blood (was this point chose because it is important point of Spleen meridian and spleen is the chief Zang organ for manufacturing Qi and blood?),
• Zhishi (BL52) for nourishing kidney yin (was this point chose because of adjacent to the kidneys area?),
• Baihui (Du 20) and Qihai (RN 6) for ascending method.
It is interesting in particular why Baihui (Du 20) is used for prolapse of anus and metroptosis?
3. After most of examples is denoted “etc.”
Can I understand that for reinforcing and reducing methods specific points on the fourteen meridians can be used according to syndromes? Refers it for invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis too (especially to the Xi-(Cleft) Points where qi and blood in the meridians is converged and accumulated) or there are specific points for this aim?
4. Among my first questions when I only started to study Medboo Course was question on promotional and sedative points on each of 12 regular meridians. At that time you advised me wait and see course D.
Now, according to the description of the Five-Shu points I’m understood that it refers to reinforcing and reducing by means of Five-Shu points. If I’m right, the meridian "mother" and "son" points for reinforcing and reducing accordingly are:
Lung Meridian of Hand – Taiyin: Taiyuan (LU9), Chize (LU5);
Large Intestine Meridian of Hand: Yangming Quchi (LI 11), Erjian (LI 2);
Stomach Meridian of Foot – Yangming: Jiexi (ST 41), Lidui (ST 45);
Spleen Meridian of Foot – Taiyin: Dadu (SP 2), Shangqiu (SP 5);
Heart Meridian of Hand – Shaoyin: Shaochong (HT 9), Shenmen (HT 7);
Small Intestine Meridian of Hand – Taiyang: Houxi (SI 3), Xiaohai (SI ;
Bladder Meridian of Foot – Taiyang: Zhiyi (BL 67), Shugu (BL 65);
Kidney Meridian of Foot – Shaoyin: Fuliu (KI 7), Yongquan (KI 1);
Pericardium Meridian of Hand – Jueyin: Zhongchong (PC 9), Daling (PC 7);
Sanjiao Meridian of Hand – Shaoyang: Zhongzhu (SJ 3), Tianjing (SJ 10);
Gallbladder Meridian of Foot – Shaoyang: Xiaxi (GB 43), Yangfu (GB 3;
Liver Meridian of Foot – Jueyin: Ququan (LR , Xingjian (LR 2).
Just these points were indicated in sources as promotional and sedative points on 12 regular meridians for reinforcing and reducing the meridian themselves. For example, Taiyuan (LU9) and Chize (LU5) were referred as reinforcing and reducing points of Lung meridian.
So, if I’m understood right, clinically they are selected for treatment according to the principle of "reinforcing the mother" in case of deficiency and "reducing the son" in case of excess to create balance.
For example, when the Liver Meridian (wood) is involved in a deficiency syndrome, the “mother point” of the Liver Meridian Ququan (LR (attributes to water) is used with the reinforcing method. When the Liver Meridian is involved in an excess syndrome, Xingjian (LR 2) (attributes to fire), the “son point” of the Liver Meridian is used with the reducing method.
But there is other possibility too - reinforcing or reducing the exteriorly - interiorly related meridian: the deficiency syndrome of the Liver Meridian (wood) can be treated by reinforcing Xiaxi (GB 43) (attributes to water), the “mother point” of the Gallbladder Meridian, but the excess syndrome of the Liver Meridian can be treated by reducing Yangfu (GB 3 (attributes to fire), the “son point” of the Gallbladder Meridian.
Thus, it was probably not correct to denote these points only as promotional and sedative points of the affected meridian; it is possible to use them as reinforcing and reducing points for the exteriorly - interiorly related meridians too.
On the other hand, for reinforcing and reducing related meridian on the “mother” or “son” channel on the basis of the relations of the Five Elements others Five Shu points can be used also. For example, the deficiency syndromes of the Liver Meridian can be treated by reinforcing Yingu (K10) - the water point of the Kidney Meridian, and the excess syndrome of the Liver Meridian can be treated by reducing Shaofu (HT , the fire point of the Heart Meridian.
Please, correct me, if I’m mistaken. |