Dear Tutor I have a few questions. One concerns the theory of Hsui-Shui-Chi ,Blood liquid, Air . I was reading in a book called Chinese Herb Medicine and Thearapy by Hong -Yen Hsu and Dr. William G Preacher of this principle , which this text calls the first consideration. it said despite revisons it is still the principle concept in Chinese Medicine. I have studied on the extravasated blood , the shui (liquid) reffered to as phelgm, and the wind evils , the air . But here it refers to the air as the Chi (Qi) , and goes on to say how the accumulation of air in the body results in disease . They called it "Disease air " or Ping Chi ,devided on two types still and moblie . I have also studied the moving of symptoms is a sign of wind illness. It was also devided into ascending air and melancholic air . I am confused in the referance here to calling the air the same as chi (Qi) ? Is air considered some times the same as Qi and is a sicknes of air also considered an accumulation of Qi ? I realize Qi travels with the blood , but so does air, so are they talking of the same thing ? my Next question is this book , when speaking of blood , devides the blood remedies up into three kinds for extravated blood .They, among other identifiers say that if a person is large to give Tauhoechunchiton , which is also refered to as Woman's tea type V containing Tao Ren , Gui Zhi, Da Huang, Gan Cao, and Nitrum Sulfaricum. The last one has me stumped. is this a salt like used in Homeopathy ? How is it purchased and is it in the Chinese Materia Medica as I can not find it . Is this a normal Herbal addition ? They list other formulas if one is Average or Small or delicate in size . Thank you
william Flynn Sanders
Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:50 pm |