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supply Ginkgo biloba Extract

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Post time: 2009-04-27 17:34:02
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Code BCY-ZT003

Product Name: Ginkgo biloba Extract

Specification: Total Ginkgo flavone glycosides≥24%,Total terpene lactones≥6%

Description: Dating back more than 200 millions years, the Ginkgo Biloba tree has shown a remarkable resilience and resistance to insects, diseases, and pollution. The ginkgo Biloba leaves po- ssess a number of components that have been found to be of therapeutic benefits for a var- iety of disorders. Traditional Chinese physicians have used it for thousands of years, to treat respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis. In traditional Indu medicine, it is a co- nstituent of an elixir called \\\\

Function: In summary, scientific studies have shown this remarkable natural product to: Improve circulation to the brain and extremities as well as in the ear, eye, nose, and throat . Increase the amount of oxygen and glucose supply to the brain. Help counter many of the side effects of aging such as short-term memory loss, dizziness, ringing in the ear, depression, intermittent clawdication, and vertigo. A double blind study using EEG showed that Ginkgo increases alpha rhythm (which is the bio feedback frequency associated with mental alertness) and decreases the theta rhythm ( which is related to the lack of attention) in elderly who were showing signs of mental det- erioration. Ginkgo seems to offer protection to the vascular system because of its strong antioxidant properties or free radical scavenging properties. Free radicals are dangerous chemical w- hich can damage the wall of the arteries causing further blockage due to the accumulation of plaque. Ginkgo has no known side effects and has been used in many long term studies. There is no addiction from continued use.


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