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Wolfberry P.E. (Lycium P.E.) --- Polysaccharides

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Post time: 2009-04-27 17:42:36
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Code: BCY-ZT028

Product Name: Wolfberry P.E. (Lycium P.E.)

Specification: Polysaccharides:10-50%UV,10:1,4:1

Description: Wolfberry rich of wolfberry polysaccharides(amylose),detaine,zeaxanthine,physalein,Ascorbic acid,Carotene,Riboflavin,Nicotine,Thiamine,Betaine,taurine,VitamineE,Vitamine C,Vitamine B1,Vitamine B2,content of Vitamine C same as orange,and wolfberry contain 19 kinds of amino acid,and K、Na、Ca、Mg、Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn、Se,21 kinds of minerals,and the concentration of Beta-carotene in wolfberry even higher than carrot,effect protein concentration more than bee pollen. Every 100g fresh wolfberry contain crude protein 5.8g,wolfberry fat 1g,Calcium 155mg,phosphor 67mg,Fe 3.4mg,carotene 3.96mg,Vitamine B 10.23mg,Vitamine B 20.33mg,Vitamine C 3mg; Betaine about 1%。

Function: 1.Character and Efficacy of chinese wolfberry:: Wolfberry first registered in Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing,and listed as top grade. Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Registered:“Wolfberry taste bitter and cold,cure inside evil disease, warm heart and kidney,decrease thirsty,long taste stick bone, good for body and keep young.” Ben Cao Gang Mu Registered:“remedy for kidney,nutritional for lung,good for vision and eyes.”.Wolfberry rich of many type of amino acid,vitamines,K、Na、Ca、Mg、Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn、Se and more other nutritional components and minerals, supply body fluid and increase internal secretion,increase immunity,decrease acidic content in blood,long taste benefit for liver and anti-cancer,increase sperm and increase Qi, nutrient blood and wise eyes,cure weak and calm spirit, prolong life,all these good characters make wolfberry the best natural health care products.Widely used in health food,health drink,and teas. Wolfberry origin from NingXia Province big grain,fruit thick,seed less,taste positive,quality best, content of polysaccharides higher than other origin,best for increase immunity.   The berries are thought to have a protective effect on the liver and kidneys, nourishing and acting as a tonic. Conditions where this is most effective are those where there is a sore back and legs, low-grade abdominal pain, excessive urination at night (nocturia), wasting and thirsting disorders, consumption, and, in the reproductive system for men, impotence. Another of its major functions is as a tonic for the eyes, especially where the circulation is thought to be poor, in conditions of dizziness, blurred vision, and diminished sight. In the respiratory system it is used to tonify the lungs, especially in conditions with a consumptive cough. In the cardiovascular system lycium is used as a circulatory tonic, to reduce blood pressure and to lower lipid levels. The Chinese properties are those of sweet and neutral. 2.Ancient Medicine for Overall Wellbeing: Wolfberry’s value to human health was explored in China thousands of years ago. It has been cited by several ancient Chinese Medica since the Tang Dynasty (1000-1400 A. D) for its multiple health benefits, such as: nourishing the Yin (Yin-Yang theory is the fundamental theory of Chinese Traditional Medicine. Yin represents the material part of the body and Yang represents the energy and function of the body), strengthening the eyes, liver and kidney and nourishing the blood. Wolfberry fruits are used in many herbal formulas to maintain overall health when suffering from chronic conditions, such as weariness of the loins and legs, dizziness and ringing in the ear, visual degeneration, headaches, insomnia, chronic liver diseases, diabetes, tuberculosis, and hypertension. Ancient people used wolfberry fruit to make tea, soup, stew and wine or chewed them like raisins. Scientists in modern China have extensively studied wolfberry fruits, their nutrients and their medical benefits. They have further substantiated the ancient medical applications such as: maintain healthy immune system (including specific and non-specific immune response), improving eye conditions, support healthy liver function, maintain healthy blood pressure and blood sugar. Wolfberry is also an excellent herb for anti-oxidant and anti-aging. 3.Natural Multi-nutrients of chinese wolfberry: Wolfberry (a member of Solanacea family) is a wild bush found in the north west of China. Because of its nutrient value and pleasant taste, Chinese people have been growing this magic herb for hundreds of years. Wolfberry can tolerate temperatures from -27°C to 39°C. It blooms between April and October and harvest is from June to October depending on the weather and growing areas. When ready for harvest, the fruit turns red, is nearly oblong in shape and juicy. Fullness, redness and sweat taste demonstrates the best quality of the fruit. The main active component of the fruit is the Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide (LBP)1. The amount of LBP may vary depending upon the type of wolfberry; the better the wolfberry, the higher percentage of LBP2. Wolfberry contains 19 types of amino acids and 21 trace minerals. It has more beta-carotene than carrots and nearly as much Vitamin C as oranges and protein as bee pollen. In 1983, the Ministry of the Public Health of China approved Wolfberry to be marketed as a natural food or botanical medicine3. 4.Function of Wolfberry Extracts and Wolfberry polysaccharides : Wolfberry polysaccharides as good immunity enhancer(Support healthy immune system): Wolfberry polysaccharides from wolfberry has good function to enhance immunity, researchers do experiment on about 20 case of original liver cancer,the patient arranged taste Wolfberry polysaccharides togethor with chemical treatment,and good for immune system benefit and prolong life. Modern medical research prove that the Wolfberry polysaccharides from wolfberry good for cure cancer caused by damage of body immune system, and also best for cure many kind of immune system bug. •Many studies have shown wolfberry fruits increase the lymphocyte transformation rate and improve the macrophage phagocytic function in animals. LBP assists spleen lymphocyte transformation induced by Concavalin A5. LBP increases the antibody reaction to T cell-dependant antigen (SRBC) which means that LBP selectively strengthen the T cell immune response6. LBP enhances the T cell immune response by increasing the number of E receptors on the surface of T cells or increasing the numbers of T cells directly. •LBP also can be used to reduce lead toxicity because LBP inhibits the reduction of T cells and delayed allergy activity induced by lead. •One study was done on seniors in China. This study showed after taking wolfberry, lysozyme, IgG and IgA in serum increased in all participants. The activities of interleukin 2 (IL-2) were found to increase 2.26 fold in two-thirds of the participants. 5.Wolfberry Extracts as good tumor inhibitor(Cancer prevention): Research from lab center of MDidea Group show that patients with evil tumor(malignancy) arranged taste wolfberry for a period, the lick up ability of it's macrophage increased togethor with T-lymphocyte transform rate increased.Wolfberry could adjust immune ability,so good and benefit for old man used as anti-tumor remedy. During it's functional period, wolfberry and wolfberry extracts not kill tumor cells directly, but to increase the immunoreaction of normal cell,such as activate macrophage,T-lymphocyte,B-Cells or prompt live up of antibody,or activate antibody, from this way, wolfberry and wolfberry extracts could inhibit and decrease tumor,and no any harm to normal cells. •Other studies from China show the acetone extract from wolfberry fruit inhibits the gene mutation induced by TA98 and TA1008. Some scientists believe that wolfberry fruit may be a very good supplement to prevent liver cancer because it exerts liver protection and anticancer effects at the same time. •Seventy-nine advanced cancer patients in a clinical trial in China were treated with LAK/IL-2 combined with LBP9. Initial results of the treatment from 75 available patients indicate that objective regression of cancer was achieved in patients with malignant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, lung cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and malignant hydrothorax. The response rate of patients treated with LAK/IL-2 plus LBP was 40.9% while that of patients treated with LAK/IL-2 alone was 16.1% (P<0.05). LAK/IL-2 plus LBP treatment led to a more marked increase in NK and LAK cell activity than LAK/IL-2 alone. The mean remission in patients treated with LAK/IL-2 plus LBP also lasted significantly longer. The results indicate that LBP may be used as an adjuvant in the biotherapy of cancer. •Another study from China showed LBP increased the sensitivity to radiation therapy10 and enhanced the immune system for cancer patients. •Chinese researchers reported wolfberry fruits could inhibit the growth of cancer cells. 6. Wolfberry Extracts as good old man remedy: Old man taste wolfberry and wolfberry extracts,could feel better and increase inside hormone,oxygen in plasma,and no any bad effects.wolfberry extracts could make old man good sleep,good taste,good body health,less cold,less night emiction.also,clinical research show that wolfberry could decrease cholesterol and increase phospholipid level.Wolfberry food also affect stuctures of protein and character of cell wall decisively,also wolfberry taste could control cell divide and polarization,adjust growth and caducity of human cells. the effective content Betaine from wolfberry also best for treat heart disease and cure illness related with old age, togethor with hypochondria. 7.Wolfberry Extracts as good kidney remedy: Wolfberry contain many useful nutritions,including Wolfberry polysaccharides,zeaxanthine,physalein,Ascorbic acid,Carotene,Riboflavin,Vitamine C,etc, all these substances are good natural antioxidant,and best function as anti-inflammation,anti-infection,and so many good natural antioxidant make wolfberry the best body energy remedy, taste fitful amount of wolfberry or wolfberry extracts could be good for: increase blood flow, increase blood vessel elasticity,decrease thrombus and blood aggregation,this could be good for heart,liver,kidney and other organs of human body,also increase sexual ability. 8.Ancient literature registered wolfberry as a kind of herb medicine for anti-age: Ben Cao Hui Yan registered:"wolfberry could make energy full,blood enough,Growth of Yang and Yin, decrease rheumatism,act as topmost herb remedy." Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing registered:"Wolfberry taste bitter and cold,cure inside evil disease, warm heart and kidney,decrease thirsty,long taste stick bone, good for body and keep young." Ben Cao Gang Mu registered:"Wolfberry long taking good and make energy full,make skin good appearance,wise brain and good for eyes,make spirit active,also prolong life." Chinese Pharmacopoeia registered:"Wolfberry good for liver and kidney fill,increase sperm and make eyes clear,good for cure waist and knee ache,weak and short of sperm,inside fever and thirsty." All these good character added up make wolfberry a good herb medicine for anti-oldness, diabetes,high choleaterol,liver disease,gastritis and other disease such as anti-tumor,increase white blood cell. 9.Liver protection of Wolfberry Extracts: •One study in China discovered that the hepaprotective component (zeaxanthin dipalmitate) from wolfberry helps counteract carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity11. •Another study from China found LBP exerts hepaprotection through inhibiting the lipid peroxidation of liver cells in aging mice12. LBP helps to repair liver cell injury induced by CCl4 and facilitates recovery from hepatic necrosis13. 10.Wolfberry and wolfberry extracts act as good remedy for hairdressing and skin care: Wolfberry contain large amount of amino acid and phytoprotein,this could prompt protein metabolism and formation of skin protein, large quantity of antioxidant from wolfberry also play as good cleanser of skin waste and function and inhibitor of free radical,good for skin antioxidant and make skin white,Wolfberry polysaccharides inside the body also help to adjust internal secretion,inside and outside adjustment and benefit for hairdressing and skin caring. Also wolfberry contain large amount of Unsaturated Fatty Acids and biochemicals such as SOD,this all good skin care and cosmetic material. Help hairdressing and hair growth:the effective content from wolfberry named taurine good and benefit for growth of hair and hair health,dip hair into water contain taurine from wolfberry,then dry hair,measure after one night,and the intensity of hair and hair cell growth all improved. 11.Wolfberry as good Hemopoiesis promoter: Wolfberry contain large amount of good nutrients including polysaccharides,physalein,Ascorbic acid,and Carotene all act as good remedy and function of soften blood vessel,anti blood aggregation,prompt speed of blood flow,and increase function of heart muscle, then improve the blood making ability of human heart.So wolfberry and wolfberry extracts could be used as best hemopoiesis promoter. A study in China showed LBP facilitated stem cell proliferation and increased the number of monocytes in bone marrow14.LBP helps the monocytes to convert to matured leukocytes. 12.Vision improvement function of wolfberry and wolfberry extracts: •Antioxidant of wolfberry could act effectively increase effects of blood vessle and capillary.This protect could help to decrease blood pressure,anti blood aggregation, reduce swelland sediments in blood,so make blood flow more good.Also wolfberry and wolfberry extracts could increase blood platelet and decrease bleeding of wound damage,increase blood flow activity and decrease cholesterol,so could be best choice as antioxidant.And best for stable antioxidant ability of capillary,prompt formation of collagen,prompt circulation of blood,and increase antioxidant ability of blood vessel. •Taurine from wolfberry could be better for brain ability improvement and antioxidant,short of taurine may lead to growth dysfunction,and dysfunction of cerebel. Vision improvement: •Wolfberry fruits were very popular for their vision improvement properties in ancient China. Modern Chinese scientists found wolfberry fruits reduce dark adapting time and improve vision under subdued light. •Physiologic scotoma decreased and vitamin A increased in patients after taking wolfberry fruits. Many scientists believe wolfberry contains more beta-carotene than carrots, which may attribute to this fact. 13.Cholesterol reducer of wolfberry and wolfberry extracts: Wolfberry contain protein about 5.8%,and this concentration even higher than milk,also contain Linoleic Acid 1%,many vitamines and botanical calcium,B-sitosseryl-B-glucoside from wolfberry has similar structure as cholesterol,but not easy to be obsorbed by human body,also competitive as cholesterol inhibitor,decrease the content of cholesterol in blood,best for cure high blood cholesterol and arteriosclerosis,Wolfberry polysaccharides act as good enhancer of immune system function,and best for old people. 14.Anti-aging function of wolfberry and wolfberry extracts: •Wolfberry fruit functions to maintain normal cell growth and improve DNA restoration and repair. LBP also has the function of anti-peroxidation of free radicals, therefore changing the electrical parameters of cell membranes to the normal range7. •In one study in China, a 48% increase of Super Oxide Dismutase and a 12% increase of hemoglobin were found in serum for all senior participants. A 65% decrease of LPO in serum was found in the same study. This indicates wolfberry fruit may be a potent anti-oxidant, which may slow the aging process. 15.Blood tonic:In China, lycium berries are taken as a blood tonic. They improve the circulation and absorption of nutrients by the cells and help with many symptoms, including dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, and wasting conditions. 16.Liver & eye tonic:The berries are a liver and kidney tonic. In Chinese medicine, the liver is associated with the eyes, and lycium berries are considered excellent for failing eyesight. 17.Cooling properties: Lycium root is used in China to "cool the blood," helping to reduce fever, sweating, irritability, and thirst. These cooling qualities also help to stop nosebleeds, reduce vomiting of blood, and soothe coughs and wheezing, whenever they are due to "patterns of excess heat. " 18.Blood pressure:As a result of recent research, lycium root is beginning to be used in China to treat people suffering from high blood pressure.


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