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Title: scalp accupuncture [Print this page]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:43
Title: scalp accupuncture

Dear Tutor I have been hearing and reading a lot of a new accupuncture from China called scalp accupuncture that has produced fantastic results . What is your thought on this type of accupuncture and does Medbo discuss this in the course at all ? Can this be studied on internship in China also ? Thank you .
william Flynn Sanders

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:43

Dear Dr. Sanders,
Scalp acupuncture is not really new, it's of the history over 30 years in China.

Medboo won't teach or discuss this method and I don't knw where it is taught online.

You might contact Mr. Pan Ping ( and ask him if he could organize the internship for you on this subject.


Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:43

Dear Tutor ,thank you for the response . By New I meant not thousands of years old like the other parts of tCM. Maybe I can see it when I come to China . I was going to ask if it was a good system but since it wont be discussed I understand .
william Flynn Sanders

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:43

Yes, indeed it is a useful system!

It is used by some acupuncture physicians in China, of course you can see it when you come to Beijing.

But it doesn't mean all the acupuncture physicians in China would have taken it as a routine clinical method, as I just said, only some of them do it.


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