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Title: pale face and red tonque [Print this page]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:12
Title: pale face and red tonque

Dear Tutor

What about when someone has pale face and red tonque

What kind of disharmony is it ?


Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:12

Hi, Tommy,
What's your opinion?
Since you are studying course B, the diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine, you might analyze the case with the knowledge listed in the text.
I'm looking forward to reading your opinions.

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:12

Dear Tutor

I think Pale face suggest some kind of deficiency but red tonque without
coating suggest heat -yin deficiency syndrome so it can be internal heat and yin deficiency in my opinion
but this pale face ? why not red face in heat syndrome
it can be false phenomena ?

thank you

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:12

For sure it's the case of Yin deficiency!

Don't you think the Yin deficiency has nothing to do with pale complexion?

What do you think of some TB patients? They are for sure suffering from tidal fever, night sweating, red tongue, little or no coating, thready pulse, but they do have the pale complexion.

Same as some cases of other Yin deficiency, e.g. leukemia, aids, etc.

What's your opinion?

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:13

Dear Tutor

Thank you very much for your answer

So in this case tonque is very importent factor in diagnosis

Now I thing yin deficiency has nothing to do with pale face

Yin deficiency is also menopausal syndrom in Women am I right ?

and what about a patient has pale face and red tonque with yelow coating

is it damp -heat syndrome ? this pale face can suggest somekind of deficiency ? should we treat only damp -heat or treat also this deficiency ?


Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:13

Dear Tommy,
For quite sure the tongue diagnosis is a unique feature of traditional Chinese medicine, and it IS important for making a correct diagnosis.

Yes, menopause could be also manifestated as Yin deficiency!!! But not all the menopausal patients (women) have Yin defiiciency.

It's hard to say it's damp-heat!
The tongue coating is not thick and sticky, most probably it's internal heat resulting from Yin deficiency.

But it's still difficult to say so, in clinic it could be very complicated/sophiscated.

The clinical practice is quite different from the text. We do need a lot experience.

For the palse face, it could be either Qi or blood deficiency.

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