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Title: Where will meridian go when people lost limbs? [Print this page]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:06
Title: Where will meridian go when people lost limbs?

Where will meridian change when people lost limbs?

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:07

Hi Zhen Li,
It seems you are quite interested in meridians and I also feel your kind-heartedness for you are caring much for the handycapped people.

In fact, it is understood that when a limb is lost, the meridian in that part is lost, so the flow of Qi is not going as usural.
It doesn't mean this is always bad!
For the Qi don't have to go all the long way and the nutrients could be spread to the other parts of the body.
The whole circular system of the meridians and collaterals won't be impacted too much if the damage is not too severe.
As we could see, those with one arm or one leg could also lead quite a longevity.
But in general, one'd better have all the limbs healthy.


Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:07

Thanks for your answer!

But these "Five shu points, yuang point, Xi-point" will relocate?

Take care

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:07

For sure there will be no more Five-Shu and Yuan Primary points at all of the lost limb in the affected side!

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:07

Dear Tutor,

How does TCM interpret ¨phantom ¨pains or sensations after a person loses a limb?

Xie xie nin,

Timothy J. Lix D.C.

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:07

Hi Timothy,
Generally speaking, it is considered as the problem of mind/spirit!
There could be some other explanations e.g. the loss of the limbs leads to the breaking of the circuit of Qi and blood because of the uncompleted meridian system, so there will be the reaction to the mind. But this could only be the personal understanding, not universally accepted in the TCM circle in China.
It's really hard to say something very accurately!
I myself, would think it through the Qigong practice, and feel the phantom pain could be cured by the practice of Qigong, so on one hand it could be understood that the broken circuit could be amended by the practice of Qigong, and on the other hand, the impression of harm/damage in the mind could also be healed by the practice of Qigong.
Maybe the projects of the lost limbs in the brain could be removed by the practice of Qigong.
So, some research should be done! Not really by me!

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:07

Dr Du,

That makes sense. I will start researching some qigong books to let my heart vibrate alittle more from this perspective.

Xie xie nin,

Timothy J. Lix D.C.

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:08

Hey, Timothy,
Your heart vibrates quite enough!!!
Don't exhaust your energy but try to preserve it for longevity!
In fact, to do Qigong, one could preserve the energy and could also cultivate or inspire some potential energy in the body. Or to even better, one could absorb or obtain more energy from the universe.
Is that good?

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:08

QiGong is really good. I praticed when I was just 15 years. But I stop because too busy and no room.... I am going to pratice again. It is really good stuff.

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:08

I agree with you Zhen!
If you don't have time to practice the motionless ones, you might find a little time to practice some active ones, e.g. the simplified TaijIquan (简化太极拳24式),which is also a quite helpful one for health, especially the digestive system, and the sleep.
It doesn't mean you will have a VERY good appetite , but rather, the metabolic function will get more activated so more nutrients are assimilated while the waste matter will be better eliminated.
Does it sound good?
In fact, to do this type of Taiji, it doesn't take you much time, about 5-6minutes for once, so about 20 minutes, you'll have a good refreshment.
I presume you know well how to do it.
Or if not, when you come back to China, you might learn it, maybe from me,...

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:08

You are very nice to offer teaching TiJi. Thanks a lot.

I really want to pratice TiJi. and I had bought a CD, it is Mr. Li's simplied TiJi简化太极拳24式. But it is very hard to learn, becuase I lost the direction after a few action (式). I wished i can find some easy way to learn that.

Take care

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:08

It's no problem!
It's often the case for a beginner of learning Taijiquan.
So, you may just concentrate on every single action, and when you come to Beijing one day, I would tell you the direction of how to move all the set together.

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