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Title: A letter from Dr. H on pulse diagnosis (1) [Print this page]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 10:56
Title: A letter from Dr. H on pulse diagnosis (1)

Dear Dr. H,
Let's discuss your questions.
In clinical pratice, we couldn't have all the 28 types of pulses all the time!
In fact, we could usually feel about approximately 10 - 12 types of pulses.
The 6 pulses are the most basic ones, or we can say they are the 6 categories.
In each location of Cun, Guan, and Chi, we may have some difference more or less. But, the speed cannot change, i.e. one cannot have the fast pulse in the Cun, while the slow in the Chi, it's impossible.
However, there could be some divergence in different location, e.g. in the right Guan, we could take the rolling while in left Chi, we may have a deep pulse. When the upper Jiao has something gone wrong, we may find the Cun pulse on both sides abnormal (mayb tense for example), while in the other locations the pulse is not affected that much.

Ok, hope my explanation is clear to you.



[quote:c6c3e25b85]Dear Tutor,
Could you explain about my question as follow,
We have known there are 28 pulse and 6 pulse such as : fast,slow,deficien,excess,floating,and deep.
About the location we have known Cun Guan Chi.
My question is : what the corelation between 28 pulse and Cun Guan Chi , can we find the 28 pulse at every location , I mean can we must fell at every cun or guan or chi once of the 28 pulse ?
Best regards,

Dr H[/quote:c6c3e25b85]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 10:56

Dear Tutor,

I am unclear why we can´t have different pulse speeds in the cun, guan and chi when we are taking the pulse. If the speed of the pulse whether is fast or slow reflects a heat or a cold syndrome respectively then why wouldn´t the pulse reflect the same. If excessive yin manifests as cold and excessive yang manifesting as heat, couldn´t it manifest in the different zang-fu organs and thus show up as different pulse speeds in the appropriate wrist region, whether it´s left or right cun, guan or chi. Thank you in advance for clarifying this for me.

Xie xie nin,

Timothy J. Lix D.C.

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 10:56

Dear Timothy,
How many hearts do you have in your body?
Could you have one heart to pump the blood to the Cun while the second heart pump it to Chi while the third heart to do it to Guan?

What do you think?



[quote:b680900df3]Dear Tutor,

I am unclear why we can´t have different pulse speeds in the cun, guan and chi when we are taking the pulse. If the speed of the pulse whether is fast or slow reflects a heat or a cold syndrome respectively then why wouldn´t the pulse reflect the same. If excessive yin manifests as cold and excessive yang manifesting as heat, couldn´t it manifest in the different zang-fu organs and thus show up as different pulse speeds in the appropriate wrist region, whether it´s left or right cun, guan or chi. Thank you in advance for clarifying this for me.

Xie xie nin,

Timothy J. Lix D.C. [/quote:b680900df3]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:04

Dear Tutor,

Good point So then I guess when we are considering the speed of the pulse whether it´s fast or slow we really just need to take it in one position, or for that matter either a left side, right side difference.


Timothy J. Lix D.C.

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:04

Dear Tutor,

O.K., I get it As always, thanks for the insight.

Xie xie,

Timothy J. Lix D.C.

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-29 11:04

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