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Title: Du & Ren Meridian [Print this page]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-28 17:22
Title: Du & Ren Meridian

Dear Tutor,

I have a few questions.

1. The text states that the Du Meridian communicates with and governs all the Yang Meridians and the Yangwei Meridians (Plural?) or is this just a mistake (typo)?
2. Is the Yangqiao Meridian included?

3. And what about the Ren Meridian. It connects with all the Yin Meridians. I know that the Yinwei Meridian is connected with all the yin Meridians as well. What about the Yinqiao Meridian? Is it also part of this connection?

Thanks for your help.

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-28 17:22

Dear LaFemme,
Yes indeed the Du meridian is connected with all the Yang meridians, including the Yangqiao and Yangwei.

While the Ren meridian does connect with the Yin meridians, in one way or another.


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