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Title: Hours when the five elements are active? [Print this page]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-28 14:21
Title: Hours when the five elements are active?

Hey there,

In the course material it is mentioned that the 5 elements are associated with seasons. I was wondering during which hours (0-24h) which of the 5 elements would be active. Do they follow the promoting order, e.g. wood(0am-4am) ->fire(4am-8am), or the restricting order?
Also, does this hourly schema change according to the seasons (brightness/darkness)?


Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-28 14:21

Hi, Shitaifan,
Yes, you may divided a day into five parts, in accordance with the five elements. So, early morning could be the wood, the noon could be the fire, the early afternoon could be the earth, the evening could be the metal, while the night could be the water.
There is no such strict scheme of hours in terms of five elements, or at least I have no idea about it personally, neither I ever heard of it.

In fact there are many different opinions on the explanation of the theory of five elements. Even the translated term "Five Elements" has been and is being fiercely debated.

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