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Title: about extra meridian [Print this page]

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-28 14:20
Title: about extra meridian

Dear Tutor

I'm studying the eight extra meridians and need some help from you.
For the Chong Meridian, the material qoutes: ''The Chong meridian starts within the lower abdomen and emerges at the perineum, where its superficial portion communicates with the Kidney Meridian of Foot-Shaoyin at Qichong (ST 30)''

As previous study, the Qichong is belong to the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming so I'm not sure is it a typing error? or the Chong meridian really meets the Stomach meridian.

By the way, could you tell me the meaning of Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yangqiao, Yinqiao, Yangwei and Yinwei . It may help me in remember the direction of the meridian.

Thank you very much
I love TCM

Author: tutor    Time: 2009-04-28 14:20

Dear Sonus,
Yes, indeed the Chong meridian converges with Stomach meridian at Qichong (ST 30)!

As the meaning of the eight extra meridian is concerned, there are some different opinions, but in general, the Du meridian implies "governing", "controlling", or "commanding"; the Ren meridian implies "bearing" or "conception"; the Dai meridian has the meaning of belt; while the Chong meridian tells the meaning of "rushing" "an important place (casle, fortress etc.) in a big (strategic) road" or just "important passageway", so it is of the meaning of infiltrating the Qi and blood.
Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao, the word Qiao implies both the heel and the brisk movement of the body (especially the legs); while the Yin Wei and Yang Wei, the word Wei tells the meaning of "controlling" and "connnecting".

As I have mentioned above, there are different opinions on the meanings of the names of the extra meridians, so what I have just listed could be mainly for your reference.

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